English (Precis & Composition)

Precis is a French word which means summary and it is pronounced as “Pressee”.
Precis / summary is the reduction of the longer passage to small and short one in one’s own words but the précis should convey the same message as given in the original passage.  The theme of the original paragraph or passage should be reflected fully in the précis and it should be lucid, brief and complete in all aspects, meaning thereby that the concept of the original passage could be grasped from the summary.  All the main points from the original passage should completely be discussed and expressed in the précis as it is the gist and main theme of the passage.
                Précis writing is a skill which is obtained by practice. There are no specific pre-determined rules or principles for précis writing but following some points are to be kept in mind while summarizing the passage.
1.       Properly read out the passage again and again to understand the theme and idea of the passage.
2.       Point out the main ideas and points given in the passage and note them.
3.       Precis is always written in “indirect form” and “third person” is used while summarizing.
4.       It should be one third of the original passage and in one single paragraph.
5.       The words used in the original passage can be changed to other familiar words which are easy to understand and gives the same meanings in more suitable way if possible; otherwise if no substitutes are available then the words used in the original passage are to be used.
6.       The précis should be written in the way that it gives the main theme of the passage and no addition should be made to it from one’s own side as well as no comments are to be given.
7.       It should give the idea which the original passage is describing.

8.       It should be continuous and clear and also check it again after writing for deletion of un-necessary words and statements if there.

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