Breath Fresh Air:
Fresh air , light and good diet is necessary ..
good diet means healthy diet... what is healthy diet ? it means our daily food contains all essential vitamins A B C D E K ... along with proteins minerals and some carbohydrates .... and it can be obtain through raw vegetables , fruits , meat and water..our surrounding must be clean and air we breath must be fresh and we are ourself responsible for our environment ..
Use of Water:
Drink alot water...
we should drink a plenty of water in a day especially before starting a day one must have to drink much water after bed in the morning half an hour before having breakfast...taking water will remove all the toxic material through body and all bacteria which grows in stomach ... it removes through urination.but water should be pure and in a clean pot... free of all fungus..
Exercise for good health:
Do regular exercise every morning especially one hour. sweating is important for removal of toxins through the body.exercise should be in a way that it should not result in muscle fatigue..but body will sweat through exercise ... it is very necessary because it will burn bad cholesterol in the body increases the blood circulation in body and will make body and mind fit..
quit any kind of bad habit like smoking...apart from the risk of respiratory track cancer or heart diseases .. the research has proved that it also reduces one's life... health experts has proved that all over the world including Pakistan 40 billion people smoke per year..cigarette smoke contains 300 harmful materials ..which enters the respiratory track and destroys the human system... cigarette contain 3 -6 mg nicotine ..of which 10-90%part infiltrate into lungs which become the cause of cancer...carbon monoxide in cigarette smoke when enters the red blood cells of human and destroys 5to 10 % functions of blood.every cigarette reduces one life 12 minute ... and how we people are crazy about reducing our precious life time.
Adequate Sleep:
when person become awake he must work out and do physical work ,if one does not do any physical work his brain do constant work . at last a person feel anxiety and tiredness , it can be alternate through good quantity of sleep..because sleep makes a person fresh and boost up the mind ,mood and physical makes body active and diminish the tiredness. It has been researched that nursling children sleep most of the time and for them 16 hours sleep /day is must. For 4-8 years children 12 hours sleep is necessary for their growth.and for teen age up to 21 years of age 9-10 hours/day is enough ... it is most important to say that women should sleep more then men ... it relates to hormonal changes and emotions.. and normally one must sleep 7-8 hours daily... less than this range is harmful for sharp mind and body..
it is important to show that the sleep must be of good quality one must sleep on white bed sheet for better and deep sleep. this is most obvious tip for healthy sleep...he or she must not lay under the tree at night sleep under tree at night is very harmful for health.Trees release Carbon dioxide at night ... and person also exhale Carbon dioxide and these two gases react with each other and person breathe in that atmosphere it can b dangerous for one's health.. similarly one should not cover face during sleep and must close mouth before sleep .. the best and healthy sleeping time is 9 pm to 5 am for normal man...
Life is a gift of god . health is blessing . Health is life and of course it is power and happiness. Health is wealth it is well known truth .. and no one disagree it. another commonly speech words said by experts are ;
prevention is better than cure' . for being healthy it is all about fitness of body, mind and emotions of a man.
Breath Fresh Air:
Fresh air , light and good diet is necessary ..
good diet means healthy diet... what is healthy diet ? it means our daily food contains all essential vitamins A B C D E K ... along with proteins minerals and some carbohydrates .... and it can be obtain through raw vegetables , fruits , meat and water..our surrounding must be clean and air we breath must be fresh and we are ourself responsible for our environment ..
Use of Water:
Drink alot water...
we should drink a plenty of water in a day especially before starting a day one must have to drink much water after bed in the morning half an hour before having breakfast...taking water will remove all the toxic material through body and all bacteria which grows in stomach ... it removes through urination.but water should be pure and in a clean pot... free of all fungus..
Exercise for good health:
Do regular exercise every morning especially one hour. sweating is important for removal of toxins through the body.exercise should be in a way that it should not result in muscle fatigue..but body will sweat through exercise ... it is very necessary because it will burn bad cholesterol in the body increases the blood circulation in body and will make body and mind fit..
quit any kind of bad habit like smoking...apart from the risk of respiratory track cancer or heart diseases .. the research has proved that it also reduces one's life... health experts has proved that all over the world including Pakistan 40 billion people smoke per year..cigarette smoke contains 300 harmful materials ..which enters the respiratory track and destroys the human system... cigarette contain 3 -6 mg nicotine ..of which 10-90%part infiltrate into lungs which become the cause of cancer...carbon monoxide in cigarette smoke when enters the red blood cells of human and destroys 5to 10 % functions of blood.every cigarette reduces one life 12 minute ... and how we people are crazy about reducing our precious life time.
Adequate Sleep:
when person become awake he must work out and do physical work ,if one does not do any physical work his brain do constant work . at last a person feel anxiety and tiredness , it can be alternate through good quantity of sleep..because sleep makes a person fresh and boost up the mind ,mood and physical makes body active and diminish the tiredness. It has been researched that nursling children sleep most of the time and for them 16 hours sleep /day is must. For 4-8 years children 12 hours sleep is necessary for their growth.and for teen age up to 21 years of age 9-10 hours/day is enough ... it is most important to say that women should sleep more then men ... it relates to hormonal changes and emotions.. and normally one must sleep 7-8 hours daily... less than this range is harmful for sharp mind and body..
it is important to show that the sleep must be of good quality one must sleep on white bed sheet for better and deep sleep. this is most obvious tip for healthy sleep...he or she must not lay under the tree at night sleep under tree at night is very harmful for health.Trees release Carbon dioxide at night ... and person also exhale Carbon dioxide and these two gases react with each other and person breathe in that atmosphere it can b dangerous for one's health.. similarly one should not cover face during sleep and must close mouth before sleep .. the best and healthy sleeping time is 9 pm to 5 am for normal man...
Another very important thing to maintain our health is
cleaning of one self or their surrounding. We must clean our body ... we must
take bath with mild warm water... The purpose of bathing is personal taking bath we can achieve cleanliness and can remove dirt through
the body surface so we can prevent many kinds of diseases. when person ignores
to take bath many days, the sweating or any kind of sebum or secretion through
the body or dirt form layers on the skin and close the pores .this may result
in many kind of skin infections and waste material through the pores cannot release
because of blockage of pores and it enters into the blood and cause different kinds
of diseases in the body.. Cleaning of body must be in a way that lather must b
rubbed by good quality of soap or body washes on whole of body ,we can use
sponge too to clean our body during bath.
It is to b notice that one should not take bath right after meal,
exercise and any work like in which body become warm up and journey...
Besides cleaning of body we must wear clean and washed
dresses... that they must b free from bacteria ... not only externally we must take care of yourself
internally. Mouth must be cleaned because all the germs in the mouth go to the
digestive track through food so must brush our teeth regularly in the morning
before breakfast and in the evening after having dinner.
Hairs cleansing
While washing hairs or taking bath hairs must be cleanse
properly by warm water ... and using good shampoo... with less chemicals. Before
taking bath hair must be oiled at least half an hour before ... and we should
massage scalp with fingers for infiltration of oil. Through this the blood circulates and roots
of hairs become stronger ... but oil must wash properly because it can block
the pores of skin. And can cause different hair problems ...similarly hair
combing is also very essential for the growth of hairs ... it also controls the
blood pressure. Hairs must be trimmed on every month... for growth of new
healthy hairs...
Nails Cutting:
Long nails are residence of germs and bacteria. These help
them to enter the body during food. All kind of dust and dirt fill in the nails
and contain very harmful bacteria and go to the body and cause many digestive
Similarly hygiene for houses is also must is very
important to keep hygienic environment in which we breath ... so that we can
make measurement for our health.
Tomato juice is better for removing tiredness as compared to other energy drinks. The use of tomato juice at morning time after exercise regulates and controls the blood pressure. Its helps in cure of different heart diseases and protects from cancer. Drinking of tomato juice regularly for 2 months completes the need of protein in human body. Tomato contains vitamin c which is good for beauty.

There can be two problems relating to nutrition.
These are old age problems,which at least, one eighth( 1/8th
) of the humanity is facing .During Under Nutrition a person diet is deficient
in required calories... Children are usually affected due to availability of
less than normally required diet and suffer from a disease
called"MARASMUS". In this disease human beings ,especially children
are reduced to skeleton as the body become completely depleted. Some of the
countries for example Ethiopia
are famine stricken. Although international community does try its best to
rescue the famine inflicted areas ,yet it is impossible for them to meet their
complete nutritional requirements on such a large scale. The world population
is on a continuous rapid rise, it has been estimated that by 2025, the world
population will rise to 10 billion ,whereas water and food resources are being
continuously depleted by increasing use by continuously growing population. The
expert ,therefore envisage that increasing human population if not checked will
soon eat up all the food resources of world which may lead to destruction of
human race..
Malnutrition( a diet missing in one or more essential nutrient) also
has dire consequence on health ,if it continuous for a prolonged period,
particularly under special circumstances,such as during pregnancy, or
immediately after child birth.
If malnutrition occurs during the period of lactation ,it may
cause irreparable damage to the infants. During the last quarter of pregnancy
when the fetus is rapidly developing cerebral tissues , a protein deficient
diet of mother can produce mental retaredness and nervous abnormalities in
fetus , which may prove fatal or lead to permanent disorders. These
abnormalities may also occur in infants if the lactating mother is taking a
protein deficient diet during the first year of breast- feeding.
If human diet lacks essential elements or nutrients,the body will
fail to synthesize vital compound ,and thus the person will suffer from various
diseases. Deficiency of few amino acids ,vitamins, fatty acids (about 30
compounds)and 21 mineral elements,called as essential nutrients in diet are
responsible for various diseases.
In the developing countries like ours packaged or junk foods are
not prepared under proper care.The food colours scents and flavors which are
added to make them commercially attractive are sub-standard and harmful for
human health.The use of food additives may be cause of dangerous diseases like
cancer and ulcer etc.These items ,should therefore,be avoided.
Tomato Juice:
Tomato juice is better for removing tiredness as compared to other energy drinks. The use of tomato juice at morning time after exercise regulates and controls the blood pressure. Its helps in cure of different heart diseases and protects from cancer. Drinking of tomato juice regularly for 2 months completes the need of protein in human body. Tomato contains vitamin c which is good for beauty.
Lycopene and vitamin c in tomato helps to reduce skin aging
process and make skin supple and young. Vitamin C stimulates and boosts
collagen in skin that makes the skin tighten and smoother.
It also have properties to protect our skin against sunburn as it
contains vitamins and antioxidants. It contains vitamin c and potassium .. that
is also good for pregnant women and it reduces the blood sugar level in
pregnant women and as in pregnancy the sugar level raises.
Tomatoes contain fiber and enhances the metabolism in the body, so
regular use of tomato juice early before breakfast can also reduces weight as
the fiber burn the bad cholesterol in the body that looses the weight.
We can call a diet balanced ,if the essential dietary component
are present in correct proportion.i-e essential nutrients , essential fatty
acids , adequate amino acids from protein, vitamins, minerals, essential
calories..All these help to maintain health and fulfills the body requirements
of an organism.
The degree to which any particular meal is adequate in providing
energy from food depend on the nature of the job of person.
A common man's diet is said to be suitable if it provide 50%
calories from carbohydrates,40%from fats,and 10% from proteins.Carbohydrates
are taken in as foods as they are readily available and cheaper as compared to
fats and protein. We can live without carbohydrates if our diet has all the
components of food and is capable to provide total calories required by the
body.Fats are taken in our body to obtain energy..
Carbohydrates can be obtain from cereals , oats wheat , brown rice
,sugar,fruits like apples mangoes, bananas , vegetables like carrot , radish,
and potatoes etc...
Proteins may be obtain through beans , fish , nuts, beef, chicken,
eggs ,milk , yogurt, etc.. we should tke eggs and milk daily in our food. egg
in a day contain 6 gm and a cup of milk contain 8-12 gm protein...
food that contain fats are ghee, butter, cream ,animal fats,and
fish oil ,, and also mustard oil, olie oils, soya beans,coconut,maize ..etc.
Not all fats are bad, some fats are good for improving our health
... mono unsaturated fats are good fats,they help to lower the bad cholestrol
level in the body.such as avocado, walnuts, olive and canola 3 in
fish , almonds, peanuts,etc all these are good fats .
There are also some bad fats in food such as butter , cream, ghee,
French these while growing children can take some reasonable quantity of
vitamins are found in food like milk ,butter, fresh
vegetables,bean, meat, yeast,oranges,lemons,potatoes,eggs,green spinach etc...
Our daily food requirements varies with sex, age and
occupation.....e.g children need more food because they are growing. Youth need
more food (nutrition)than elderly people due to physical exertion. Similarly
men need more food than women..But pregnant women,lactating(nursing)mothers and
convalescents need more food as compared to others..
Bad Effects Of Smoking on Health
Smoking is very harmful to human health. The smoke contains
harmful chemicals and gases. Dried tobacco leaves are used in cigarettes.
Tobacco on burning (when cigarette is burnt) produce a number of dangerous and
toxic compound as it is shown in the drawing figure:....

1: Man is addicted to cigarette that contains nicotine damage
brain tissues.
2:Causes blood to clot more easily.
3: Hardens walls of arteries
1:Kills cells in air passage and in lungs.
2: Increase production of mucous and phlegm in lungs.
3:causes lungs cancer.
Prevent red blood cells from combining with and transporting
oxygen around the body.
it promotes the growth of cancerous cells in the body.
1: these irritate the air passages and air sacs in the blood
2:kills cells at surface of air passages
3:causes smoker's cough and lung cancer.
all these chemicals have very very bad and negative effect on
smoker's health.
smoking can produce following diseases---
The smoking can produce inflammation of respiratory or air
passages i-e trachea ,bronchi and bronchioles. This disease is called"
bronchitis".the attack of disease is sudden and short lived but in chronic
bronchitis , the attack is more frequent and of along spell.the air passage
gets narrow which produces difficulty in breathing ..The chronic bronchitis can
be fatal also.the cigarette smoke damages the' ciliated epithelium to which the
foreign particles instead of being trapped and eliminated can go to the lungs
and produce infections etc. The mucus is also secreted in greater quantity
which can block the air passages and leads to repeated and continuous coughing
..This is called SMOKING COUGH.
(Lungs cancer)
cigarette smoke has frequently been reported to have produced
cancer of lungs.Asbestos dust can also produce cancer cancer is very dangerous
and fatal disease which result from disordered and uncontrolled cell
division.The tar of cigarette smoke has been reported to be the cause of cancer
production .This chemical can damage the cells of internal epithelium of lungs
and air tubes.This can produce cancer in the epithelium linning ,the air
passage which can lead to thickening of air walls,ultimately blocking them..
small tumors can be destroyed by white blood cells but when a
tumor increase in its size it can spread by way of blood to other parts of
body.the early stages of cancer produces no symptoms.hence it goes on growing
unnoticed till it completely spread and it is no more curable and become fatal.
Lung cancer is very painful and dangerous .its intensity usually
has a correlation with the quantity of tar inhaled which in turn is released
with the frequency of smoking .It has been found that smoking for 25 years with
20 cigarette a day can produce lung cancer in smokers. when the lungs of
regular smokers were examined and compared with lungs of non smokers of same
age and sex it was found that the smokers had developed lung cancer ..The
treatment of cancer consists in removing the cancerous part of the body or
destroying it through irradiation.
Negative effect on female:
it also have very bad effect on female ,it totally disturb the
female monthly cycle .. it interfere in female hormone called estrogen.. and
bad effect on ovaries .. prolong use can also cause cysts and ovaries cancer
... PCOS women should especially avoid smoking .. it also reduces the appetite
,it does not mean that over weight people start smoking.They should make some
other measures to reduce weight.
The non smokers are allergic to cigarette smoke as it produces
irritation in their eyes and throats .The non-smokers,therefore,do not like the
company of smokers .The non smokers are also exposed to same risk as the
smokers by living with them.. The non-smokers can also develop cancer by
continuously living in an environment polluted of cigarette smoke.... so it is
must to avoid cigarette personally and should forbid other to smoke ...
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